Globicephala melaena (Traill 1809)

Common names

Observations (direct observations and strandings)

5 observations found.

Location type Place Location description Latitude Longitude Date Observation type Species
At sea BE BPNS General 13/11/2014 Sighted Long finned pilot whale - Globicephala melaena VIEW OBSERVATION
At sea BE BPNS General 02/09/2007 Sighted Long finned pilot whale - Globicephala melaena VIEW OBSERVATION
At sea BE BPNS General 27/01/2005 Sighted Long finned pilot whale - Globicephala melaena VIEW OBSERVATION
At sea BE BPNS General 19/10/2004 Sighted Long finned pilot whale - Globicephala melaena VIEW OBSERVATION
At sea GOOTEBANK BPNS Gootebank 25/11/2002 Sighted Long finned pilot whale - Globicephala melaena VIEW OBSERVATION